section [Settings]
ConnectionString: connection to the database resource
ConnectionSelectCommand: basic definition of columns, links between tables, conditions and sorting (standard SQL syntax)
ConnectionSelectHeaders: (optional) list of names for column headers of the data table
MainFormLabel: (optional) title for the header of the whole dialog (e.g. SAP Lookup) and also the name of the button in Inventor;
(the change in .ini will be reflected in INV after reboot)
MainFormIcon: (optional) icon for the header of the whole window (name of the .ico file) and also the button icon in Inventor (raster formats are accepted);
(the change in .ini will be reflected in INV after reboot)
ShowAll: the (optional) setting True ensures that immediately after the window starts the data table is filled with all records that match the query described by ConnectionSelectCommand;
True setting is therefore undesirable, it unnecessarily uses up the data source and the data network
ApplyFilterDelay: (optional) time in [ms], if the filter content above the data grid is not changed after this time, the filter condition is applied
FullRowSelect: (optional) selection method in the data grid; (default=True) - clicking selects the whole row; if set to False, clicking selects one cell (reason = possibility of copying values of individual cells for other purposes)
SheetMetalThicknessDbFieldName: name of the db field by which the sheet thickness value is filtered
SheetMetalThicknessUseDotAsDecDelim: (default = False) if True, then a dot is used as decimal separator in the value for filtering by sheet thickness (i.e. regardless of the setting "CurrentCulture" on the computer)
InitiateFilterDbFieldName: db field name for the initial filtering
InitiateFilterValue: value for initial filtering