Join Geometry

Mass joining of elements by selected categories, including the option to set the first and second level priority.

Location: ribbon Holixa T4R, panel Modify

Packages: Holixa T4R Silver

Main functionalities and benefits:

  • Joining all (or only selected) elements with just one click according to the rules set by the user

  • Improved productivity - no need to join elements one by one

  • Create better-coordinated and more accurate models


Multiple joining of elements by selected categories, including the option to set the first and second level priority.

You can also save the “join-rules” to the disk and load the rules between projects.

You can use this tool for these categories: Slab Edges, Floors, Generic Models, Roofs, Stairs, Structural Columns, Structural Framings, Structural Foundations, Walls, Wall Sweeps. Ceilings.

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