Novatron/MOBA Xsite Manage

Xsite Manage is a platform for machine control systems by Novatron / MOBA.

Start using the Xsite Manage -solution via Site Management by signing in. To sign in, an active subscription to the Xsite Manage is needed and active license to Machine Control -extension.

Xsite Manage subscription can purchased from local Novatron / MOBA reseller. The Machine Control -extension can be purchased from local Arkance company.

Log in

Logging in to the Xsite Manage is done by using the Xsite Manage credentials, that can created for free. Once the credentials and licenses are set up, continue to log in.

There are two options for the log in -type, for a session or for a project.

  • For a session logs in and remembers the project connection only during the on-going session.

  • For a project is set up in the Project configuration - it saves the credentials and project connection to the project

    • It is suggested to create a separate private Project configuration, that only has the credentials

Log in for the session

Xsite Manage -connection can be activated from the Integration -menu.

Click Xsite Manage and a separate dialog opens.

Click Log in with Xsite Manage and a pop up window opens, asking for credentials. Use the Xsite Manage -credentials for the log in.

After a successful log in, the pop up closes and returns to Site Management Xsite Manage -dialog.

Log in for the project

How to create the more permanent connection via Project configuration, visit the page below.


Data transfer

The next step is to define the site(s) from Xsite Manage that correspond the selected project in Site Management.

Select one or more sites for the session by activating the checkbox in front of the site. If the list is missing projects, please make sure that user has access to the site in Xsite Manage. The list only consists of sites that the logged in user has access to.

To continue, click Connect to sites. The selected site can be found on the top of the dialog next to "File Transfer" text

  • The selected site can be changed and new sites added from the bottom left corner

  • Folder structure and files of Site Management project are shown on the left

  • Folder structure and files of Xsite Manage site are shown on the right

  • The menu button (blue with three stripes) next to header have functionalities in it

File transfer

File transfer is bi-directional, meaning that files can be transferred from and to the respective systems.

Simply select the files which are to be transferred and navigate the receiving system to the wanted folder. Arrow -buttons will be activated once a file is selected. These arrow -buttons will execute the file transfer. The file transfer may take some time, depending on the file size and internet connection.

Once the file transfer is complete, the file(s) are listed in the destination system. Meaning that in the basic workflow, when design is transferred from Site Management to Xsite Manage, the file can be used by the machines right away.

As-built points

Notice that on the top of the dialog there are two tabs; File transfer and As-built.

Click As-built -tab to access the as-built collected to the Xsite Manage site.

If the site in Xsite Manage has as-built points available, these can be activated to the map and cross sections here. Simply activate the checkbox next to "Display as-built data from this site".

The first two options allows to change the CRS system, if the Site Management project and Xsite Manage site have different systems for some reason. If the X- and Y-axis have been reversed intentionally or unintentionally, it can be changed with the Axis orientation -dropdown.

There are multiple ways to filter the as-built points:

  • Surface code

  • Surface name

  • Model path

  • Machine name

  • Date range

Filters are very useful, when there is a lot data. No need to show all the as-builts, instead as-builts from specific surfaces or dates, will lower the number of points in the views.

Once the Display -option is activated, dialog can be closed from the top right corner X.

Viewing As-builts

As-built points are shown on the map interface, with the "+" -icon, numeric value of Z-difference to the used surface and color. There are three possible colors; blue, red and green. These colors represent whether Z-value is:

  • Within the tolerance (green)

  • Above the tolerance (blue) - meaning that the as-built point is above the target surface

  • Below the tolerance (red) - meaning that the as-built point is below the target surface

As-built points on the map

As a default the tolerance values are 0.02 and -0.02, the values can be changed. For the on-going session, as-built tolerances can be changed from the Project settings -menu, "As-built tolerances" -section.

The default tolerances and colors can be changed from the Project configuration.

As-built points from Xsite Manage contain other metadata as well. Z-difference is the most crucial value, but it also indicates which surface was used by the machine control system, when the point was collected. Timestamp tells the moment, when point was collected.

As-built points in the Section tool

Map view can only inform whether points are within the tolerance or outside the tolerance. Root cause for the point being outside of tolerance could be found via the section tool.

Create a section from the desired location, ideally a perpendicular one.

The same as-built points can be viewed in the section tool. There is an additional information when using the section tool. Station defines at which station on this alignment the point is located. This allows user to navigate to the right section and see why point is outside of the tolerance.

For example the reason could be that the as-built point has been collected from a wrong location by a few centimeters.

Device locations

Device locations from Xsite Manage can be shown in the Site Management map. The possibility to display the device locations from this project can be found from the Xsite Manage-menu, under the Device locations tab.

Please note that it takes few minutes for the machines to appear on the map. This is because machine locations are reported every four (4) minutes as a default.