
This button opens a 3D-viewer as a floating window on top of Site Management page. There two options; Autodesk or Trimble 3D viewer and Pointscene 3D viewer.

Project link -button lists all of the project links that have been added to the project configuration. As a default one link is listed and it is access to this project's folder structure in the background system (ACC or Trimble Connect).

File explorer allows user to upload and download files from the project and create folders within the project. If the Trimble Connect project has file metadata in use, those can be edited here.

Project configuration

Access the interface to create project configurations.


A toggle to display user-made markings on the map. There is also a filtering tool for the markings, allowing to create theme maps with the ony certain types of information.


A toggle to display created Trimble Connect views on the map

Center automatically

A toggle to center the map on a model once selected

Type code based coloring

Inframodel (Finnish specific LandXML dialect) layers can be displayed on different colors based on the type coding

Alignment stations

A toggle to see stationing on LandXML alignments

As-built tolerances

A toggle to change the minimum and maximum values for as-built points.

Measurement tool

Possibility to take measurements, either distance or area. User has to select points for the measurements. Measurements are done with metric system. Snap tool is available, allowing user to snap to models and get more precise measurements.

Third option is to measure distance to an alignment, object can be selected from the map interface or user can measure distance to their own location. Results include the station of the alignment and the distance from the selected object to an alignment.

More about how to use measurement tool can be found here:

Measurement tool

Elevation tool

Displays the exact elevation on a surface. Point can be selected from the map or by giving coordinates. If there are multiple models, on top of each other, all the elevations are displayed. Elevations -dialog can also display a graph containing the elevation and date of the model. User can for example compare point on as-built and as-designed surfaces.

Usage of elevation tool is taught in the following page:

Elevation tool

Section tool

Three types of sections can be shown from the XML-files; freehand cross section, perpendicular cross section and longitudinal section. Freehand cross section can be taken from any surface or pipe network. Perpendicular cross section and longitudinal section require an alignment to be able to display data on sections.

The section -tool viewer can be edited. Usually for long section, the Y-axis scale is bigger than X-axis, this can be adjusted. Measurements can be taken in the section -tool viewer, these contain distance, slope and area.

You can find more information about the section tool here

Section tool

Map view can be printed to JPG, PDF, PNG and WEBP -formats. The print settings can be customized, from paper size and orientation to scale.

Details about using the Print tool can be found here:

Print tool

Inspect breaklines

Breaklines are used in designs to indicate where changes in the surfaces occur. It makes design much more easier to comprehend. For machine control these are crucial, because these highlight even slight changes in the surface slopes.

This tool only works for LandXML -files.

Inspect breaklines is described more in detail here:

Inspect breaklines

Inspect markings

Markings are a way of communication in Site Management. Markings are treated as ToDos or Issues (depending on the environment which being used on the background) and not all of them have a locational information.

Inspect markings is a separate window listing all the markings - with and without the locational information. This allows the user to add a locational information to any marking in the project.

More about the Inspect markings -tool can be found here:

Inspect markings

Preset is a way to save or share a on-going session. Saving allows just user who created it to access it later on. Sharing a preset allows other users or groups to use the same information as the person who created the present.

More information about Presets can be found here:


Geolocation -toggle to locate the device on map

Lock map to GPS location -toggle locks the map to user’s location

Location sharing – location can be shared to other users, eg. truck tracking

Find a location - type in a street address, it will be zoomed in and highlighted on the map

List of maps assigned to the project. More (background and overlay) maps can be added via the Project configuration. For further assistance either see the Project configuration part or contact your local Site Management -provider.

Configuring map layers allows user to display maps from WMS/WMTS/WFS or XYZ -servers.

Details about adding map layers to the project can be found from the Project configuration:

Background maps

Overlay maps

Site Management is integrated with some third party solutions. This allows more complete site management. For example photo management and precise volume calculations are possible via integrations.

Site Management is a mixed fleet solution, meaning that user can connect to the most used machine control system cloud with it. This menu contains the list of integrations user has subscribed to.

If you want to know more, contact your local Site Management provider.

Information about the application, contact information and legal disclaimers.