How to create a section

There are two options to create a section

  1. From the Tools -menu, select Section tool. Once the tool is active, choose the type of the section; free, perpendicular or longitudinal.

  2. Clicking a (LandXML) alignment on the map and selecting either cross or long section.

Here is a walkthrough of the different section types:

Free section

Free section tool is used to view and validate area structures and designs. These types of structures might not have alignments, meaning that other section tools cannot be used.

After selecting the free section type, proceed by clicking two points on the map, the section will be created between the points.

Perpendicular section

Perpendicular section, aka cross section, is done by using an alignment and choosing a station where to take section. The advantage of perpendicular section is the possibility to move between the different stations along the alignment.

After selecting the perpendicular section type, proceed by selecting an LandXML alignment from the map. Next select the wanted station by hovering next to the alignment and click the location. In the next pop up it is possible to define the exact station if needed.

Tools can be found on the right side of the section. To move along the alignment select move tool from the section toolbar. User can define the distance to next section and move forward or backward.

Longitudinal section

When there is need to look the profile of the surface, longitudinal section comes in play. To help visualize the profile and its changes, there is a possibilty to scale the Y-axis of the presentation.

After selecting the longitudinal section type, select an alignment on the map and the long section will be created. The long section will only display the surfaces on top of the alignment.