Creating a preset

When creating a preset following information can be saved:

  • Map location and zoom level

  • Open models

  • Selected marking filters

  • Selected background map

  • Selected overlay maps and settings

So when creating a preset, keep in mind which information can be shared. Once the wanted files and maps are visible, create a preset by clicking Presets > Manage Presets.

Click New preset to start the creation of a preset.

There are five checkboxes, which define what is being saved to the preset.

Other options include model version, naming and share settings.

Model version handling -dropdown list has two alternatives; Always use the latest versions and Keep the current versions. This means that if a file is revisioned, will the preset use the latest version or the one that was available when preset was created.

Preset name -field is meant for naming the preset. Use as descriptive name as possible, to ease the usage.

Who can see this preset? -dropdown list has three alternatives; Only me / All project members / Specific users and groups.

Once the settings are as wished, proceed by clicking Save.

If "specific users and groups" -option is selected, then a separate dropdown menu is opened. This dropdown contains all the project users and groups. Select the wanted users and groups and click Save.