Utilization -extension

Collect data from the machines in the construction site.

The information collected from the machines can help to utilize the machinery better and optimize the number of machines.

Utilization -extension connects to a 3rd party solution, which collects telematics information from multiple OEM systems, such as Caterpillar VisionLink.

Add the machinary from the site to the system and start collecting the information. Adding machines, contact your local Arkance company for more help.

Sign in

Select Utilization from the Integrations -menu.

This opens a sign in menu. The username and password that are being prompted, belong to Hiboo solution. Use those credentials to sign in.

Create a report

After a successful sign in, the Create a report -dialog opens.

There are three things that need to be selected to create a report

  • Date range

  • Area

  • Save destination

The Create a report -dialog is used whenever a report is needed, meaning that any of the given settings can be changed.

Date range

The date range has two fields, From and To. The fields are automatically filled with date a day before, because it is not suggested to collect data from the same day.

By clicking the From or To -fields it is possible to add the dates manually by typing. Clicking the calendar icon, opens a calendar where the date selection can be done.

There are aso two preset -buttons; Yesterday and Last week. Last week automatically fills the date range the last full week.

Select the wanted date range to collect the information.

Data can only be collected from two weeks in the past.

Filter by area

Three alternatives for the area filtering

  • No filtering

    • No areal limitations, if the account consists machines from multiple worksites, all of them are included

  • Use project boundary

    • Project boundary defined in Trimble Connect is used, and machines within that area will be included in the report.

  • Draw an area

    • Allows user to draw a polygon on the map, which defines the area that is in interest.

Select the option that the most suitable for the project.

Save destination

Two options for where the report will be saved:

  • Download the report

    • Downloads the report to user's computer

  • Upload the report to the project

    • Uploads the report directly to the project folder structure

    • User can choose in which folder it is uploaded to.

Choose the option that is desired and click Create to create the report. Creation may take several minutes, depending on the number of machines, date range and internet connection.