📈Elevation tool

Elevation tool is very useful when same area has multiple surfaces from different times.

Elevation tool is used to query elevations from LandXML surfaces. Meaning that it can be used for example for simple progress follow ups or to see whether slopes are sinking or not.

When using elevation tool, there are two options how to define the location where the elevation are to be queried. User can either click the wanted location on a map or for more precise measurements, coordinates can be used to define it.

Elevation tool can be found from the same menu as measurement and section tools. To activate the tool, click on the name or slider. Active tool has a blue slider.

Elevations from the map

The default way to query elevation is by clicking the location on a map.

The results will be listed with the name of the surface and the elevation from the surface on the specific location. Like in the picture below "23230628_RG900361: 237,63"

Another way of presenting the elevation is the graph. Graph visually tells the difference, where the Y-axis is the elevation and X-axis the time stamp of the surface.

To access the graph, click "Show graph" from the top of the Surface elevations -dialog.

It is possible to move and zoom the elevation graph by using left mouse button and the scroll.

The graph very useful when the elevation data is time-dependent.

Elevations on exact coordinates

It doesn't matter which workflow, clicking on a map or entering exact coordinates, is used, the results are displayed the same way.

Once Elevation tool is active in the Tool -menu, active the Enter coordinates -option and following dialog opens.

Type or copy wanted northing and easting coordinates and click OK. The Surface elevations -dialog opens automatically and results can be viewed.