Print tool options

User can define a group of options, to customize and set up the print. There are basic and advanced options.

Basic options

Basic options include:

  • File format (JPG, PDF, PNG, WEBP)

  • Page size (A2, A3, A4, A5)

  • Orientation (Portait, Landscape)

  • Scale (Dynamic, Static)

  • Content options (Project name, author email, date, scale, active model, active map layers)

  • Description

Advanced options

Advanced options add more possibilities for the customization:

  • Resolution

  • Image quality

  • Info box placement

  • Info box width

  • Logo placement


When adjusting any of the options, the preview on the map or section is automatically updated. Preview is displayed as a red rectangle on the view.

Once the options are set, proceed by clicking Print. Depending on the options and the number of map layers, next step might take some time to complete.

Please note that some of the map layers may have license restriction on distributing printed works. If there are license restriction, user must take care of the needed licensing.

Once the processing is complete, file name can be changed. The print can be previewed, downloaded to the local computer or saved directly to the wanted folder in the project.

If the print needs further adjustments, click Back to return to the options page.