Defining the boundary
Please note that this defines the boundary, the surface creation is dependent of the selected calculation type.
Please note that this defines the boundary, the surface creation is dependent of the selected calculation type.
Boundary source defines the location for the volume calculation. There are four different options how the boundary is created.
The options are:
Draw a polygon on the map
User creates a new polygon by clicking on the map, to define an area
Pick a polygon from the map
User picks out an existing polygon from the map (area marking or LandXML surface)
Browse LandXML files for a surface boundary
User browses the folder structure and selects the LandXML file containing the wanted surface
Configure boundary along an alignment
User selects an alignment from a file or on the map, defines the stations and width of the calculation. Width of calculation defines the offset to right and left from the alignment (if 25 meters, it will create an area with a width of 50 meters).