
Command Description

The Copy command copies the item numbers of the Parts Only BOM view of the current (main) assembly to the Structured BOM view of the current assembly. To avoid any duplicate numbers, the numbering of components in the structured BOM view then continues where the parts-only item numbering left off.

This command acts on the current active assembly only.

This command is to be run in the main assembly only.

A schematic image of the process is in the image below.

Summary of changes to the BOM performed by the command (a comparison matrix)

Command Location

  • Assembly environment (Be.Smart T4I -> BOM panel, Assemble -> Manage panel).

Command Settings

This command has no settings.

Workflow Overview

  1. Run the command.

Description of changes performed by the command

In Parts Only BOM, components 004, 005, and 006 have item numbers 4, 5, and 6. Because they are part of the subassembly 010 that has the item number (in Structured BOM) of 7, their item numbers in structured BOM view are 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.

Structured BOM before applying the commandParts Only BOM before applying the commandStructured BOM after applying the command

After running the command, structured numbering (behind the dot symbol) matches the parts-only numbering. The numbering then continues where the parts-only numbering is left off, and appends the next higher number (10 in this case) to the subassembly item number, thus forming the final structured numbering of subassembly components (10.x).