Automatic update of iProperties

Workflow overview

On tabs File, Physical, Drawing, and Sheet metal, select the desired iProperties that should be automatically updated in a document.

If an iProperty is missing in a Custom iProperty section of the document, it is necessary to check the option Create property if needed (or just update existing) in the bottom left corner of the settings window).

Only document-relevant iProperties will be created/updated in the document. It means that e.g. sheet metal properties will not be created/updated in the assembly file.

The iProperties will be automatically created after saving the document.

Workflow example

Given the specific settings for the assembly file depicted in the images above, four iProperties were automatically added to the document: Filename, LastSaveDate, LastSavedBy, and Mass.

IProperties added to the assembly file

Workflow showcase

Setting up of automatic iProperties for the assembly file