Product Language

How will the T4I communicate with you?

👋 "Hello, I'm T4I and I will communicate with you in your language!"

The product language is derived automatically from the Inventor language during the first T4I start-up.

If you are satisfied with your current T4I language settings, you don't need to change anything that is described on this page.

Additional Information

If needed, the T4I language can be changed from Be.Smart T4I (ribbon) -> Be.Smart T4I (panel) -> Edit settings -> General tab.

Please, restart the Inventor for the changes to take effect.

Optionally, only the T4I add-on can be restarted. Go to the Add-in Manager, uncheck the “Loaded/Unloaded” option for the “Be.Smart: Tools for Inventor”, and click OK. Then repeat the procedure and check the “Loaded/Unloaded” option.