
This tool allows configuring iLogic rules that will be executed when some application events happen.

Sections 1 to 5 allow users to pair the application events and iLogic rules that should be executed on the application events. The iLogic rules can be of the following two types:

  • full path to an external ilogic rule,

  • name of the iLogic rule imported to an external rules list.

Samples of rules that can handle those application events are available in the installation path of T4I:

  • c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\Holixa.Tools4Inventor.bundle\Samples\iLogic

The sample rules have the following naming scheme:

  • HolixaT4I_AutoRule_<NameOfEvent>.iLogicVb

Event Enhancement

With these event handlers, you can use additional information to 'enhance' the default (built-in) iLogic event handlers. Below are the code samples showing what information is available and links to Autodesk Inventor API reference for more information.


Dim TemplateFileName As String = RuleArguments("TemplateFileName")
Dim NewFileName As String = RuleArguments("NewFileName")

For more information, see the ApplicationEvents.OnNewDocument Event web page.


Dim FullDocumentName As String = RuleArguments("FullDocumentName")
Dim TopLevelFilename As String = RuleArguments("TopLevelFilename")

For more information, see the ApplicationEvents.OnOpenDocument Event web page.