
Command Description

The Update command updates all structured item numbers in dependent subassemblies of the current (main) assembly.

For new Inventor versions, this command is obsolete because Inventor updates the items automatically.

This command acts on the current active assembly only.

This command is to be run in the main assembly only.

A schematic image of the process is in the image below.

Summary of changes to the BOM performed by the command (a comparison matrix)

Command Location

  • Assembly environment (Be.Smart T4I -> BOM panel, Assemble -> Manage panel).

Command Settings

This command has no settings.

Workflow Overview

  1. Change the structured item number of the subassembly.

  2. Run the command.

Description of changes performed by the command

First, only the subassembly item number was changed. After running the command, all dependant item numbers were updated.

Structured main assembly BOM after changing the subassembly item numberSubassembly item numbers after applying the command